1. Study your Game
The fact that you are reading this web page means you are on the right track. The strategy you see within the pages of this web site are my own eclectic systems, taken from books I've read, and sites I've browsed as well as my own personal playing experience. Keep doing your homework, and it will pay dividends at the poker table. Practically all of the players you see at the World Series of Poker have written commentary or a book on their play style and strategy. A good book from your favorite player is a worthwhile investment.
2. Conservative Table Image
Table image is so important, and something that many beginners never think about. You want to build for yourself a reputation at your table that says: “This player plays good cards!” How do you accomplish this? First, simply play good cards, as in strict starting hand requirements. The other players should see you throwing away junk cards, and winning with good starting hands. Second, do not bluff early! If you get the reputation as a bluffer, people will call your bluff 100% of the time, figuring they probably have you beat! Work on getting the reputation as a solid player, and then when you decide to bluff, people will fold, knowing that the majority of the time, you've got the cards to back it up.
3. Study the other Players
Do not make the mistake of getting so caught up in your own cards that you fail to observe the actions of the other players. What are their starting hand requirements? Do they bet aggressively or typically call, even with strong hands? Do they ever fold when bluffed? What card are they betting on? In certain games, these powers of observation will win you serious money. In 7 card stud, it is of utmost importance that you know how many of “your cards” or “outs“ are showing in other players' hands, as well as how many were in hands that were folded.
The fact that you fold 70% of your starting cards gives you ample time to study and observe your opponents. Don't sit back and zone out...lean forward and see what can be learned about them that will help when its you heads up against them.
4. Be Aggressive
Once you get the cards you're looking for, play them aggressively! You have folded alot of cards to get that pair of Aces, so squeeze every cent you can out of them. Do not be a “calling station.” If you have the best hand, bet it and force the weak players out. To many new players make the mistake of slow playing those aces, allowing someone to stay in cheap, and that someone ends up drawing out to a better hand. Make them pay to play. You want them to cringe when the action comes to you, knowing they are going to be forced to put more money into the pot while they pray for their miracle card.
5. Have a “holistic” Approach
Poker should not be measured in single games. It should be looked at as a lifelong endeavor. If you won $100 tonight, but you lost $500 last night, you are not up $'re down $400! On the flip side of that thought, if you had a bad night tonight, losing $70, but you won $200 last night, you're most definitely up $130. Keep track of your wins and losses. Even good poker players have slumps, but if over the long haul, you're losing money, then you need to take a serious look at your game to find and correct your weaknesses
6. Do not Play with your Rent money!
First, if you're foolish enough to do this, you're probably not a very good poker player, and you'll be losing those chips. Secondly, research shows that players who have this much at stake in their chip stack, play much weaker. Its simply an emotional block to good play. Yes, you can make alot of money from the game of poker, but fund your bankroll with your extra cash and your winnings!
7. Consider your Bankroll
Your bankroll stipulates where you should play. If you bring insufficient funds to the table, you will not be able to survive a run of bad cards early on, and may find yourself broke. What is sufficient funds? Preferably, in the high action game of Texas Hold 'em, you should have 100x the minimum bet. That means $100 at a $1/$2 limit table. In 7 Card Stud, you should have at least 40x the minimum bet. Always keep at least 20x the minimum bet on the table, even if that means sitting out a few hands while you get more chips. Why so high? Because one of the worst feelings in the world is getting 4 of a kind Aces, and you only have enough money to go all in before the flop. You win a $5 pot while someone with a pair of jacks wins a $200 side pot. Keep enough money on the table so that when the big hand comes, you can bet it aggressively!
8. Be Aggressive
Once you get the cards you're looking for, play them aggressively! You have folded alot of cards to get that pair of Aces, so squeeze every cent you can out of them. Do not be a “calling station.” If you have the best hand, bet it and force the weak players out. To many new players make the mistake of slow playing those aces, allowing someone to stay in cheap, and that someone ends up drawing out to a better hand. Make them pay to play. You want them to cringe when the action comes to you, knowing they are going to be forced to put more money into the pot while they pray for their miracle card.